Job searching when you’re working can feel daunting. After all, wasn’t it hard enough to get this job? Others have done it and you can, too! Sometimes it’s time for a change, but to do so means being strategic in your search. Here are our top tips for finding – and landing! a new position when you’re already working:
Keep Your Job Search Confidential
It might be tempting to tell your coworkers when you’ve decided to make a break for it, but you must resist! After all, they have nothing to lose if they let that information slide to the office gossip, but you sure do! You could lose potential references or credibility with your current employer. If you don’t get the job, you will be stuck at your old one – and stuck with your reputation as someone who is looking to abandon the team. Neither of those is a good look for anyone! Whatever you do, don’t let your coworkers know until you have a solid job offer. Loose lips sink ships!
While it sounds obvious, make sure that any potential future employers know that you’re currently working and not to contact your employer. It’s a small thing to ask of your future employer and you should be the one telling your boss, not a phone call from the future employer. Employers assume that people don’t quit jobs without another one lined up unless they were about to be fired, were actually fired, or is someone who changes jobs often.
Job Searching When You’re Working Doesn’t Mean While At Work
Don’t use anything that belongs to your current employer to help you get another job. That includes the computer, the printer, the phone number, the cell phone, and the time when you’re on the clock. While tempting to use them, obviously this would be an easy reason for your current employer to fire you. Company-issued property means your employer has the right to monitor your usage. It’s easier to find a new job when you have one, instead of losing it for such an absurd reason. Be smart about it and keep your private job search to your private belongings.
Do Use Your Network, But Watch Your Social Media
Talk to your contacts and make sure you’ve updated your LinkedIn profile. Consider turning off your notifications so your profile updates are not broadcast across your network. Your employer might be watching, so don’t tag your LinkedIn profile with “looking for a new job”. It’s frustrating to get a job interview, but not the job, so it can be tempting to complain – to co-workers, to your online Facebook or Twitter accounts, and you don’t know who is connected to who through every single virtual network.
Unless you have all your privacy settings absolutely up to date, you can’t be entirely sure that your boss won’t hear about you posting about an interview. While it is tempting to discuss your excitement online, it’s best to keep it to yourself until you know for sure. This is particularly true if you’ve ever included any of your current coworkers on your social media profiles. Avoid the “Wish me luck! Heading to my second interview this afternoon” obvious posts and the vague kind about “fresh starts”. Don’t lose your current job because you’re looking for another one! After all, your bills come in every month whether or not you have a job.
Instead of posting, reach out individually to people who might be able to help you. Use your network, but not in a public forum.
Use Your Time Wisely
Schedule your phone interviews for lunch breaks. If possible, use your vacation days for interviews instead of lunch breaks. Rushing through an interview in order to get back to work will impact how you act in the interview. Beware of having too many “dentist appointments” or similar excuses, in case your boss is tipped off. You can always ask if the hiring manager would be willing to interview early in the day or after the usual hours. Most people are understanding of how difficult this can be and would be willing to accommodate you.
Decide How You Should Post Your Resume Online
Putting your resume on any of the many job boards is the easiest way to let thousands of people know you’re looking for work – including your employer. Should you be worried about that, be sure to post your resume confidentially. Applying directly to positions would also work.
It’s difficult to know exactly which positions would be the best fit for you from a job description, so if you’re not getting anywhere, you might want to check out this article: Are You Reading Job Ads Wrong?
Job Searching When You’re Working Means Little Free Time, So Schedule Job Searching
While hoping for a new job isn’t a strategy, neither is spending every free minute looking for work. In the beginning, it can feel like a new opportunity, but you can easily burn out and lose hope. Dedicate a specific amount of time to your job search – even just a half-hour or one hour a day. Remember, you still have to pay those bills in the meanwhile, so don’t burn the candle at both ends.
Set Up Alerts
Job searching when you’re working means that you just don’t have a lot of free time! LinkedIn offers Job Alerts, so you can do a job search, save it, and then get alerts when anything else new comes up. LinkedIn is an excellent tool for showing you the newest jobs in your industry. You can find the breakdown of how to set up alerts here.
Consider Using a Staffing Agency
You can always have someone else do the job searching for you! Recruiters are always understanding when you’re looking to leave one position for something new, and being upfront with them will save both of you the hassle. You’ll have more flexibility, an inside understanding of the potential company’s work culture, and work with an insider who has placed people at new positions before. With plenty of permanent jobs available, you’d be surprised how many people can find a new job with less stress! The more people who can match your resume to the openings, the better! Get the inside scoop with help from NESC Staffing and send us your resume today! Apply Here
Now that you know what to do while job searching when you’re working, check out some of these other helpful articles:
“Why Are You Leaving Your Current Job?” Job Interview Question
“Tell Me About a Time You Disagreed With Your Boss” Interview Question